This guideline was established in order to set the policy for judging whether the research is ethically appropriate when evaluating the contributed thesis for EHPM and Japanese Journal of Hygiene. Editorial committee and ethical committee evaluate the research subjecting human or research that mainly experiment on animals based on the following guideline. For the members, this guideline should be referred when contributing a thesis.

  1. Ethical evaluation is not necessary for outlines, discourses, and the original and data using public data. However, when using the public data, the source must be cited and the approval of the author must be received beforehand if necessary.
  2. For a research that mainly deals with animal experiment, it must follow “International guiding principles for biomedical research involving animals (CIOMS revised in 2012” and “Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals (DHEW Publication. No. (NIH) 85-23, 1996)”, for a research in Japan, it must follow “guidance for conducting animal experiment in research institution” (June 1st, 2006 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), “guidance on comprehensive promotion for policy related to animal protection and management (August 30th, 2013 the Environment Agency), “guideline for conducting proper animal experiment (June 1st, 2008 Science Council of Japan), and “guidance on slaughtering animals (November 12th, 2007 the Environment Agency) and the approval number and approved date for the animal experiment ethical evaluation committee for the institution that the researcher belong to must be indicated The thesis will not be published unless these are indicated.
  3. For research subjecting human, it must follow “Declaration of Helsinki(October, 2013) “, for a research in Japan, it must follow “clinical research method (2017 Act No.16), “ethical guidance on medical research subjecting human (February 28th, 2017) the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Economy、Trade and Industry”, “ethical guidance on analysis research on human genome and gene (February 28th, 2017) the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology”, “Act on ensuring the safety in regenerative medicine (2013 Act No.85)”, and the approval number and the approval date from the appropriate ethical committee must be indicated. If the institution the researcher belongs to do not have the applicable ethical committee, the research must receive ethical evaluation from an external ethical committee. The thesis will not be published unless these are indicated. However, it does not apply if the research is exempted from the application based on regulations and policies.
  4. Based on the origin of research fund and the indication in the application for conflicts of interest, it must be verified that the necessary matters are indicated in the thesis. If the content of research is related to the interest of a certain firm, group or individual, it must be indicated in the thesis in order to be publicized.

December 9th, 2018 (Decided by the board of directors)